Title: Georgia 14, bold, center (max 10 words)
Name, surname: Georgia 12 - bold, center
Affiliation: Georgia, 10 - italic, center
e-mail address: Georgia, 10 - italic, center
Abstract: 80-120 words, Georgia 9 - justify, indent left-right 1,5 cm (must contain the aim of the paper)
Keywords: Georgia 9 - bold, left, indent left-right 1,5 cm (max 5)
JEL Code: Georgia 9 - bold, left, indent left-right 1,5 cm
Structure: Georgia 10 - line spacing - single, justify
1. Introduction (must contain the following: the extended objective of the paper, the state of the art in the paper domain, the descriptions of the sections, the main scientific contributions, the referred bibliography).
2. Subtitle 1
3. Subtitle 2
4. Subtitle „n”
5. Conclusion
6. References: Georgia 9 - italic, line spacing - single
Page setup: A4, mirror margins
Top |
2,5 cm |
Bottom |
2,5 cm |
Inside |
3,0 cm |
Outside |
2,5 cm |
Header |
1,5 cm |
Footer |
1,5 cm |
Number of pages: 8-14, even number
Referee's report
The tax for publication is 30 Euros/article, or RON equivalent on payment day - exchange rate of the National Bank of Romania (the first author’s free copy of the magazine being included, regardless of the number of authors). The magazine is 10 Euros/copy for each co-author or other interested people/institution.
The papers should be sent on e-mail